Vacation Schedule
Our availability for communications and legal services is limited to traditional business hours (Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. excluding weekends and holidays) and by our vacation schedule:
All weekends
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Fourth of July: 10 days beginning the Friday before July 4th and continuing through the following week.
Labor Day
Thanksgiving weekend (Thursday through Sunday)
Christmas and New Year’s: 10 days beginning end-of-day on the day before Christmas Eve and continuing through and including New Year’s Day.
Our office is unavailable for communications or services during these times. Please do not assume that any emails sent to us during vacations or outside of standard business hours will be read or acted upon. We ask that you instead contact us upon our return to regular business hours after the holiday or weekend.
This vacation schedule is posted solely as an accommodation to clients and inquirers. Our office is under no obligation to notify clients in advance or post advance notice of any times during which we plan to be away from the office.